Play 4 Peace House



Conferences & Inspiring Meetings

Throughout the year, Play4peace offers inspiring conferences and meetings to inspire young people in their personal and professional development.

Here are a few examples:

  • Nicolas Anelka - The importance of sport as a vehicle for inclusion
  • Michel Wozniak (Expert in neuro-linguistic programming) - Workshop on Mind Mapping
  • Olivier Hermann (Sport & Health Coach with the Belgian Army) - Managing sleep during exams
  • Innovative Sharing entrepreneurs - How to maximize your social impact
  • Tarek Francis (Sports & New Technologies Entrepreneur) - Learning to sell yourself
  • Zakaria Marzouki (General Manager at Peopletek) - The idea of starting a business
  • Pierre Pirard (Founder Teach for Belgium and director of the film "Nous Tous") - Taking part in a world open to others.
    Together, We All.
  • Clara Bardiau (Social & Environmental Impact Manager at the Skateroom) - Sport as a vehicle for personal development and global happiness during and after the health crisis
  • Marisa Fernandez Esteban (Deputy head of the International Capacity Building unit, European Education and Culture Executive Agency), Yoko Youssouf (Director of operations - Yunus Sports Hub), Camille Voisin (Europe Programs Manager at Epic Foundation), Thierry Zintz (Professor at UCL, sports expert) - The importance of investing in and financially supporting the socio-sports sector.


"I had the opportunity to do an internship at Play 4 Peace alongside Ayman. During this period I had the opportunity to work on a lot of different projects and this allowed me to develop professionally but also personally. Play 4 Peace is a family that made me understand several things that will be useful to me throughout my life. I cannot thank Ayman enough for his kindness, his support and his sharing. It is an association which will remain engraved forever in me and I am proud to have been able to bring my little touch. "

Rafael Veloso
Former intern


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