L’égalité des sexes dans le monde sportif


Le Mardi 6 avril 2021 de 12h10 à 13h00

Conférence présentée par :

Angela Melo

Directrice de l'inclusion sociale et de la jeunesse à l'UNESCO 

Kole Gjeloshaj

Secrétaire général adjoint - ISF - International School Sport Federation 
et membre du "European Commission - Sport Unit - High Level Group on Gender Equality in Sport 2021-22"

Katrien Jans

Women's Football Manager at Royal Belgian Football Association 

Carole Gomez

Directrice de recherche à l'iris
(institut de relations internationales et stratégiques) 

"Play4Peace contributes to my personal development in many areas (non-exhaustive list): at the intrapersonal level, I develop new skills through the training and responsibilities offered, at the interpersonal level I make enriching encounters and academically I can study at the Play4Peace House in optimal conditions. Participating in organized activities and events is always a golden opportunity! "

Moussia Garelik
Student in human and social sciences at ULB


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