Play4Peace Academy


Play4Peace Academy, What is it?

The Play4Peace Academy is a free annual program aimed at fostering entrepreneurial spirit among underprivileged youth (students or dropouts), through a program based on 3 pillars:

  • Training
  • Mentorship
  • Sports

Drawing on training sessions such as ikigai, fear management, resilience development, critical thinking, public speaking, as well as networking and lean startup, this program aims to shape confident, resilient youth capable of engaging in their personal and professional development.

By complementing these training sessions with mentorship and regular participation in sports activities, the Academy is committed to preparing young people to face the challenges of the professional world, by stimulating their ability to innovate and collaborate effectively.

"Play4Peace contributes to my personal development in many areas (non-exhaustive list): at the intrapersonal level, I develop new skills through the training and responsibilities offered, at the interpersonal level I make enriching encounters and academically I can study at the Play4Peace House in optimal conditions. Participating in organized activities and events is always a golden opportunity! "

Moussia Garelik
Student in human and social sciences at ULB


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