Visit of His Majesty the King


His Majesty the King visits Play4Peace House

Play4Peace, placed since 2018 under the High Patronage of His Majesty the King, had the immense honor of receiving King Philippe as well as the US Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium for an exchange with young people about the Play4Peace Academy and youth in 2030.

This meeting marked the launch of a special project for us, the "Youth Goals 2030", in collaboration with the Palace.

The "Youth Goals 2030" are youth objectives presented by young people to the sovereign. They were and will be able to propose ideas, projects and solutions to improve the situation of young people in society. They discussed a range of topics, from housing to education, social diversity to mental health, employment to identity conflicts, environmental issues to safety, and the development of a policy dedicated to young people aged 18 to 30, who are in the transition period between adolescence and the adult world.

The objective is clear: by 2030, in collaboration with the Palais and hopefully soon with public and private partners, youth issues will no longer be a general policy, but a well-defined vision aimed at supporting the personal and professional inclusion of young people. At present, almost half the young people in Brussels live below the poverty line. This underlines the urgent need to work hand in hand with our young people, ensuring that they are not simply subjects, but active participants in building a brighter future. We need to listen to them, involve them and give them a sense of responsibility.

In the company of U.S. Ambassador Adler, our young people also had the chance to discuss our association, how it contributes to their personal and professional development, and opportunities for collaboration aimed at inspiring, learning and exchanging with American programs, young people and even entrepreneurs.

Together, let's create a company that truly values and supports its future leaders.

Here are some articles, recordings and videos
La Libre Belgique
Soir Mag 
Point de Vue

"I had the opportunity to do an internship at Play 4 Peace alongside Ayman. During this period I had the opportunity to work on a lot of different projects and this allowed me to develop professionally but also personally. Play 4 Peace is a family that made me understand several things that will be useful to me throughout my life. I cannot thank Ayman enough for his kindness, his support and his sharing. It is an association which will remain engraved forever in me and I am proud to have been able to bring my little touch. "

Rafael Veloso
Former intern


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